Now the next version is the mobile version. So I think if you view SketchUp just a little bit, you should be able to get this pretty easily. And again you can change things such as shadows and you can, again, change your display settings here as well. And there will be Windows on the Macintosh version. Now just like in regular SketchUp, we do have a trail on the side for the Windows version. And then we also have a couple tool wires here to switch between views. And again, you can rotate your way out of it. Now what's really nice is there are some nice, standard views here that you can use. And the hot keys work the same, everything is the same. So we have, along the left hand side here, we have our navigation tools, which are orbit, pan, and zoom. The buttons along the top and the toolbars are a little bit different, but really its' very recognizable. And you can see that this looks very, very similar to SketchUp. I'm opening up skydome.sketchup, which was from another lesson here. And the main thing you'll notice is that this looks a lot like SketchUp. So let's go ahead and double click on it and open it.

So I have the desktop viewer for Windows, installed here. So let's just take a look at mobile and desktop. And this is a lot more expensive and sophisticated. Now finally, there is the HoloLens viewer and that's a completely different topic. So it is a small price, but it can be very useful. And over on the Android store it's again $9.99. So if you go to the Apple store, you'll notice that this is currently $9.99. The mobile viewer works for iOS and Android. But you can certainly download that and install it when you want. So the desktop version is really just very similar to SketchUp. One is for HoloLens, mobile, and desktop. Well we can find it on the web under Now you'll notice when you loaded this page we have three options here. Now before we get started, let's just take a look at how to find SketchUp Viewer. So we're going to take a look at desktop and mobile. You can view them on the desktop, mobile, and also through the HoloLens. Now this is a way to view your SketchUp models in a variety of contexts. Hi, I'm George Maestri and today we're going to take a look at SketchUp Viewer.