) * Fixed some ES_Identify Bugs (in a hacky way) when not using system menu IOS for system menu * Reload Hacks completly when LoadHacks() is called and hacks were already loaded once * Added the checksum function from priiloader to the installer. all unknown bootstates load priiloader instead * Fixed Bug with USB drives that could crash System menu * Fixed the Wii Blue Light on wiimail issue (when standby, forgot to merge the light init code from phpgeek) * Fixed Background issues when changing colour and not saving settings * Fixed various video related bugs ( out of screen text, text on top of the other. we should now handle all known bootstates correctly("invalid" bootstate 255 included). thank you Attila * Changed Autoboot setting so it would start system menu when having just updated/installed Priiloader * Fixed Hacks.ini bug when it was made in linux (or any ini that doesn't have windows' \r\n newlines and uses \n instead) * Fixed Bootstate handling. All known IOS' are detected like they should. Soft-modded Wii with at least the Homebrew Channel installed DOWNLOAD LINKS: Priiloader Hacks Priiloader 0.3b (latest release) Changelog: * Change and fixed IOS Stub detection.

However, an SDHC formatted to FAT32 will also work. SD card formatted to FAT is more desirable.

Installation of System Menu hacks REQUIREMENTS: 1. Install an auto-boot plug-in that can place itself before the System Menu 3. Brick protection that are non-IOS or NAND corruption related 2. However, both are not required for the proper installation of Priiloader. By doing this, you can negate a partial brick. In simple terms, patched IOS70 and IOS60 are official Nintendo IOSes that are patched with the ES_identify.

Consequently, for firmware 4.2, install patched IOS70, first and foremost. If you are on firmware 4.0 or 4.1 and want to play Wiiware or Virtual Console off the SD card, you need to install patched IOS60 first. It is recommended to create a NAND backup if you can. For most people that are unable to install BootMii as boot2, you need a way to launch HBC to get to Bootmii. Priiloader is a modified version of the officially discontinued Preloader.