Nonsensical and pointless sex relations with random over sexualized women 8.

And it's on my top 5 of worst games I've ever played in my life. One of the Definitely the "best" worst game ever made in the past few years. Nonsensical and pointless sex relations with random over sexualized womenĨ. … Expandĭefinitely the "best" worst game ever made in the past few years. At full price of course, don't even think about it. It will offer many laughs for a low price. In short, if you find this game on a sale for 1$ or something, it's worth picking up. The intro that abruptly cuts into a pointless turret section and then into a QTE fist fight was also very hilarious, it was like a complete and comprehensive video of what NOT to do in videogames. Most of the voiceacting and pretty much all the animations are also hilariously bad. You collect shags like Mario collects coins, and they come so suddenly and look sooooo dumb that they made me spill my coffee all over my keyboard. Pretty much every time you do a quest for any female, you will see an abrupt cut into a dryhumping scene, with zero explanation or reason for it. Those cutscenes however will make you laugh, guarranteed. The game is basically a series of cutscenes with some padding along the way. In order to enjoy it though, you need to be prepared for the fact that 99% of the gameplay is completely pointless. Does it fall in the "so bad it's good" category? In my opinion it does, and the main reason is that the controls, if you are using a pad, are "mostly" functional and it's not that painful to play, mechanically. It's like, if Steven Seagal made a motorcycle movie, only 10 times dumber. In order to enjoy it though, you need to be prepared for the fact that 99% This game just blew my mind.